Markets, Free and Rigged

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I have a lot to say about this, and will no doubt be getting into much more of it in the months to come, but for the present let me just say what it is I have a lot to say about. I say this so that those Christians who think that Romans 13 was assembled out of railroad ties will resolve to think through the issues more carefully.

Wisdom is learning to live in conformity with the way the universe actually is. Folly is the attempt to bend the universe to flatter your desires. Godly wisdom is understanding that the universe is the way it is because the Creator God made it that way.

Congress has the authority to require certain things of us. But Congress does not have the authority to require other things of us. Congress does not have the authority to be try to remake the universe. Among other things, however broad a mandate they believe themselves to have, they do not have the authority to repeal the law of noncontradiction, the law of gravity, or the law of supply and demand. I would probably get (at least among Christians) broad agreement on the first two points, and widespread confusion on the third.

Because of this, I am simply going to state my bottom line conclusion now, with a commitment to follow it up with more detailed posts later. As we head deeper into the madness of socialism, we need to swear off any use of the phrase “black market.” There is no such thing as a black market. There are free markets and there are rigged markets. Those who rig the markets with their guns and lies try to rig them further by describing the free markets as being black markets. To the extent that you call them that also, you have joined forces with the oppression.

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